I made it to Texas just fine. LOVE NON-STOP FLIGHTS! On the way down I turned the heel of my first Monkey sock with my Alley-Oop STR yarn. I am in LOVE with this yarn!
Tammi picked me up from the airport and we have been nonstop talking ever since. Things between us NEVER change and that is what is so AWESOME!
Yesterday was a fun day. We went out to lunch with her friends Lara, Bobby & Robert. They are great! Then we went to Lara's school so she could do some quick computer work which was cool cuz I got to see where Tammi goes to school. We then parted ways and were on our way back to Tammi's apartment to rest a little before the concert and we got a call from Lara asking us if we wanted to meet her at the club for a few drinks. SURE! So we ran back to the apartment... got dressed for the concert - picked up the tickets and off the club we went. I met Lara's friend "H" who was EXTREEMLY nice and bought us all drinks.
Then it was time to head down to the concert in downtown Houston. We got there right before they opened the doors to let everyone in. It was CRA-ZY. Some of the get-ups girls were wearing were down right hillarious. There were pink sequins - pink fishnet stockings - hairsprayed and teased hair - glitter - some just went all out. There were some men there... mostly accompanying thier signifigant others - they are my heros. I know deep down in his soul if I really really really couldn't find ANYONE else to go to a NKOTB concert with he would go. Of course he'd give me a hard time about it THE WHOLE TIME and never let me live it down - but still... he'd take me. Lucky for him he didn't have to as I was able to go with my BFF since the 4th grade, Tammi instead. 

Here we are at the concert - I took it with my camera phone and it's really a crappy pic but it's still of US AT THE CONCERT! Ohhhh... the concert... OHHHH MYYYYY GAWD!!!! It was SO AWESOMLY AWESOME!!! It was the BEST show I've ever seen. It was absolutly EVERYTHING I could have EVER imagined. The energy in that arena was astonishing. The Guys were even better looking - they still had ALL THE RIGHT STUFF. At one point Jordan was doing one of his solo songs from his CD and was on stage with an open white shirt and had a fan blowing on him so his shirt blew away from his chest - his GLORIOUS CHEST - OMG!!! The girls we had befriended next to us noticed how much I was admireing his FABULOUSNESS and offered me her binoculars to have a better look - OMG! Seriously though... I got weak in the knees! Tammi almost had to catch me. We had such a good time - it was worth every single penny. Note to self - ALWAYS WEAR SNEAKERS to a concert no matter what else you are wearing!!!!
So far today it's been pretty slow going. Mostly we've been surfing on the internet and looking at pics of NKOTB. Tammi just got in the shower so it'll be my turn next. I think we may hit a yarn shop or two and maybe a tattoo parlor as well. I had an epiphany last night at the concert for "our" tattoos - it's going to be SO COOL! Now I know that tattoo's aren't licked on like kittens and it's going to be painful but it's all going to be worth it. This WHOLE trip has been.
and you get to explain it to Grandma.