Tuesday, June 26, 2012

JUNE 2, 2012 - Mink Pond Kids Fishing Derby
So MB reminded me the day before this derby that it was in fact the very next day - a Saturday.  Those that know me know that I don't do Saturday mornings very well... but after much complaining on my part LJ and I were up at the crack of dawn and ready to be picked up by MB and BJ and HW - they even brought me COFFEE!!!! It was about an hours drive to get there after making a few stops, like remembering to pick up RB on the way - oopsie!!!!  The weather couldn't have been much better in my opinion.  It was cooler because of the breeze off the pond and it was slightly overcast so we didn't have the sun beating down on us all day.  Scott was able to join us after he got off work which was great!  Dr. F. was there and LJ hung out with him for a bit and LJ caught a fish - a rather LARGE fish!!!

The caretaker of the property had a potato gun and instead of stuffing it with potatoes he stuffed it full of candy then launched it up into the sky so it rained down candy for the kids to catch. They each had a bucket to do so and had lots and lots and lots of fun doing it.

They also had a pinata for the kids to take a whack at.  LJ gave it a pretty good one too.

I honestly don't know who had more fun that day, the kids or the adults! It was a great day and I look forward to next year.  I just need to set a reminder to remind me a little further away than the day before!

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