Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Tree 2007

Ok, so this year we got another tree. See we got one last year too... brought it home... put it up in the living room... Hubby put some white (they have to be white) lights on it and that's as far as it got. Well NOT this year! We picked out a great tree from a friend of a friend's Christmas Tree Stand and brought it home. We went down to my MIL's house and got her stand since she got a fake tree this year... brought that home... got the tree hooked up to it (it's quite a contraption with chains and s hooks and wing nuts and all that jazz) - last night we put lights on it after LJ went to bed. Tonight we are going to actually decorate it! I'm kinda excited about it too. I usually don't like putting up or taking down a tree... dunno why... just do... maybe because year after year of doing the tree at my parents house and not being there when their tree is taken down to put everything away correctly (I swear my Dad just takes the ornaments off the tree and throws them in a box - no rhyme or reason - no real protection...) so that the following year they are all mixed together... hooked together... some are broken... blah... blah... blah... But this year I got out of doing thier tree and are just doing my own. Problem with that is it's been so long since I've had a decorated tree I don't know where all my ornaments are. My Mom really likes to buy and give ornaments so I have quite a collection - all in various places. Ah well... we shall see. If i can figure out how to post a picture I will so you can see my beautiful tree.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Picture, please. Visit Samurai knitter (daht blogspot daht com) and read the comments one how one should decorate a tree for pets and kinder.
