Sunday, February 3, 2008

It never ends does it?

It doesn't end does it? I was sick last week & weekend with a sore throat and ear ache... LJ's temperature kept spiking up to 103.7 but an hour after some Tylenol he was back down to the 99 degree range - but that went on for a few days so this past Monday we both had Dr. appointments. His Dr. just thought his body was trying to fight an infection somewhere and to basically keep giving him the Tylenol/Motrin. Me on the other hand has a throat infection (he didn't say anything about strep) and an ear infection so it was antibiotics for me. Monday night his temp rocketed up to 104.7 so we called the oncall doc - he said that as long as he was acting fine and not vomiting or having diarrhea or trouble breathing to continue with the Tylenol/Motrin. The next day his temp again went way up and I called the drs's office and was asking how high of a temp should I let him get before I take him to the ER - when the nurse asked how long this has been going on and I said about 5 days she told me to take him to the ER right away. So off to the ER for us... the ER was PACKED!!! There were about 40 people in the waiting room! We checked in but here's the nice thing about having my Pediatrician's office right next to the hospital... I called over there and told them how packed the ER was and they said to bring him right over that there was still a Dr. there to see him. YAY we didn't have to WAIT... so over there we went... took us right in... the Dr. (yet a different one this time - she was 3) was stumped and sent us back to the hospital to have bloodwork done and also prescribed an antibiotic for LJ. After getting his blood taken (he was a champ - he cried of course but it wasn't too bad) and going to CVS to get his meds and running through McD's for some diner we didn't get home till after 8! LJ didn't get to bed till after 9! Wednesday was pretty normal - we all went to work but left early so LJ could take a good nap at home. His temp finally stopped spiking and he seemed to be a bit more normal. Thursday he went to Daycare. They said he seemed a little off but otherwise ok. Friday was the big storm and Scott ended up staying home with LJ and I went into work for a few hours.

All in all it was a pretty busy week. I'm feeling marginally better, my throat and ear still hurt even after being on an antibiotic for 5 days now... and I've taken it religiously.

LJ is much better. He's still catching up on sleep though. I think that the antibiotic that he was prescribed has LOTS of sugar in it and because I have to give him his second dose so close to bed time I think it gives him a little sugar high so instead of falling right to sleep when we put him down we can hear him "talking" over the monitor for at least 45 min after we put him down. But he's content, he's not crying up there so we just leave him alone.

Well, there's a short update on what is going on... I have more to write about but a girls gotta eat!

1 comment:

  1. Fine,you win.You posted first. Glad the munchkin is better.
