Allrighty then... since my last post... that I haven't wanted to post again because I liked clicking on my blog page just to see my tattoo... even though I can just look down at my wrist and see it.
Thanksgiving 2007
Thanksgiving Day was traditionally spent at Aunt Karen's house. Had a lovely time... lots of good food... was only missing Andrea & G-Man who were on vacation in Disney World.
The following day was my Dad's 65th birthday. We all (Dad, Mom, Hubby, LJ, Aunt Lorraine, Uncle Mike and I) went to dinner at Delaware Water Gap Country Club. This was the same place that Hubby and I had our Wedding reception at. Still looks exactly the same and still had wonderful food!
Saturday my FAB, Uncle B, their two son's and their GF's were in town. I got to spend some quality time with FAB - we went to my LYS and took advantage of a great sale that was going on. Woo Hoo!! Later that night my part of the family got to meet S's GF for the first time. She's seems very nice. A little quiet but very nice.
The beginning of January was kinda bleak. Let's just say buinsess was slow, if you call stopped all together slow... it kinda made getting into the Christmas spirit a little delayed. The second weekend of December we got our tree. It took us a week to get it up with lights and finally decorated but once we did it looked great! LJ loves to turn it on and off and really leaves it at that. We had to move some money around to allow us to afford Christmas this year. We hated to do it but sometimes you just gotta do what you need to.
Christmas shopping this year was different than any other year for me/us. First of all we wrote a list of all we wanted to give to. Then we put a $$ limit on each person. Then we brainstormed and wrote down a few ideas for each person. We were quite organized about the whole thing. We also didn't purchase one thing online which is just UNHEARD of with me. I buy a lot online but not this year. I didn't really have a reason to as we were able to find just about everything locally. Which in the broader scheme of things is better for our local economy anyway. I did make two of the gifts we gave this year and both were receiveved really really really well. I made a scarf & hat for my Aunt Lorraine and a scarf for my Dad. LJ was the major focus of everyone's gift giving this year which was awesome! He got a lot of GREAT things. We havent' even opened them all up yet. Hubby and I got him a play kitchen which he just LOVES. At one point durring our family gift exchange he didn't want to open any more gifts because he was just too busy playing with his kitchen (which he calls his chicken). He even held up his hand to me and said very seriously "Mommy, I'm busy" and went back to playing with his kitchen. I received a set of Knit Picks Harmony Interchangeable Knitting Needles from M&D - they are SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!! But now I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what to cast on first! I did get a few knitting books so I'm sure I'll come up with something.
So there you have it... my rather brief (well... breif for me) update. I'll be sure to post again soon.
Oh... FAB... TAG!!! You're IT!!!!
In this blog you will find posts about my son, family, pets, friends, knitting and a myriad of other ramblings. Enjoy!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
It's on my left wrist where it can cleverly be hidden by my watch whenever I choose to.
Now you may be wondering why?? WHY??
Why Believe????
It all started many many many moons ago... almost two decades worth one sunny day in 4th grade. A new girl walked into my class room... the teacher asked if anyone rode bus # whatever it was and I was the only one... so Tammi was seated next to me and so our friendship began and we've been friends ever since. There was a minor break when she went to private school for two years but we still remained friends. Then Freshman year of High School we were reunited once again. I can still remember our first day of school. She walked to my house then we walked together to the bus stop. We weren't even to the end of the sidewalk in front of my house when I asked her if she liked The New Kids on the Block - and her answer was yes! Then the next most important question was which one? As it turned out she liked Joe and I liked Jordan and our friendship has been locked tight ever since. (Hey Tam - didn't know I remembered all that didja?)
So the years went buy and we lusted after NKOTB. We had posters and pins and buttons and trading cards and videos and I can't even remember what else we had but we were BIG fans. Unfortunately for the two of us we never got to see them live in concert. Sure we saw them on TV and taped the Half Time Show of the Super Bowl they played... but we never got to see them live.
Fast forward to 2008...
We found out (I don't remember who told who or what) that NKOTB was getting back together!!!! We were both ecstatic! And this time around we were NOT going to miss them in concert. The problem we had was that Tammi was now in TX and I was still in PA and neither one of us had the money to go to the concert, much less together.
Then one day Tammi instant messages me that through a co-worker she was able to score 2 tickets to their concert in Houston, TX! At first I'll admit I was EXTREMELY jealous - I wished I could go so badly. Tammi was really my only friend that I ever shared my NKOTB fetish for and she'd be my only chance to have someone to go to a concert with. But I guess I was feeling lucky that day and hopped onto a travel site and lo and behold round trip tickets to Houston weren't all that expensive and if I were to stay at Tammi's place and tighten up just a little I could afford to fly to Texas and go to the NKOTB concert with Tammi - SO I DID!!!!!
As you read in my last post the concert was amazing. The guys still have ALL The Right Stuff and were hotter than ever!!!!!
Now up until this point Tammi and I have been throwing around some ideas to get matching tattoo's. We just didn't know what, we kinda had the idea of where, just not the what. Then... at the concert... while Jordan was singing "Baby, I Believe In You" I had an epiphany - we could get the word Believe on our wrists. See, not only does Jordan sing a song with Believe in the title but Joey has a song called "Stay the Same" which in the chorus of the song has a line that says "Believe in yourself...". What a WONDERFUL idea! That was it. It was set.
We were going to get Believe in script on our left wrists.
Two days later we were in a tattoo parlor having Believe indefintaly tattooed onto our bodies. What a wonderful experience! And what a wonderful person to share it with!
I love you Tammi, now and forever and always remember to
Believe in Yourself because Baby, I Believe in you!
(Ok, I know that last part was extreemly corny but deal with it!)
Friday, October 17, 2008
A Quick Howdy from Texas!!!!
I made it to Texas just fine. LOVE NON-STOP FLIGHTS! On the way down I turned the heel of my first Monkey sock with my Alley-Oop STR yarn. I am in LOVE with this yarn!
Tammi picked me up from the airport and we have been nonstop talking ever since. Things between us NEVER change and that is what is so AWESOME!
Yesterday was a fun day. We went out to lunch with her friends Lara, Bobby & Robert. They are great! Then we went to Lara's school so she could do some quick computer work which was cool cuz I got to see where Tammi goes to school. We then parted ways and were on our way back to Tammi's apartment to rest a little before the concert and we got a call from Lara asking us if we wanted to meet her at the club for a few drinks. SURE! So we ran back to the apartment... got dressed for the concert - picked up the tickets and off the club we went. I met Lara's friend "H" who was EXTREEMLY nice and bought us all drinks.
Then it was time to head down to the concert in downtown Houston. We got there right before they opened the doors to let everyone in. It was CRA-ZY. Some of the get-ups girls were wearing were down right hillarious. There were pink sequins - pink fishnet stockings - hairsprayed and teased hair - glitter - some just went all out. There were some men there... mostly accompanying thier signifigant others - they are my heros. I know deep down in his soul if I really really really couldn't find ANYONE else to go to a NKOTB concert with he would go. Of course he'd give me a hard time about it THE WHOLE TIME and never let me live it down - but still... he'd take me. Lucky for him he didn't have to as I was able to go with my BFF since the 4th grade, Tammi instead. 

Here we are at the concert - I took it with my camera phone and it's really a crappy pic but it's still of US AT THE CONCERT! Ohhhh... the concert... OHHHH MYYYYY GAWD!!!! It was SO AWESOMLY AWESOME!!! It was the BEST show I've ever seen. It was absolutly EVERYTHING I could have EVER imagined. The energy in that arena was astonishing. The Guys were even better looking - they still had ALL THE RIGHT STUFF. At one point Jordan was doing one of his solo songs from his CD and was on stage with an open white shirt and had a fan blowing on him so his shirt blew away from his chest - his GLORIOUS CHEST - OMG!!! The girls we had befriended next to us noticed how much I was admireing his FABULOUSNESS and offered me her binoculars to have a better look - OMG! Seriously though... I got weak in the knees! Tammi almost had to catch me. We had such a good time - it was worth every single penny. Note to self - ALWAYS WEAR SNEAKERS to a concert no matter what else you are wearing!!!!
So far today it's been pretty slow going. Mostly we've been surfing on the internet and looking at pics of NKOTB. Tammi just got in the shower so it'll be my turn next. I think we may hit a yarn shop or two and maybe a tattoo parlor as well. I had an epiphany last night at the concert for "our" tattoos - it's going to be SO COOL! Now I know that tattoo's aren't licked on like kittens and it's going to be painful but it's all going to be worth it. This WHOLE trip has been.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Socks That Rock really do ROCK!!!

This is my latest addition to my ever growing stash of Sock Yarn. It's from Blue Moon Fiber Arts - Socks That Rock collection. The colorway is Alley-Oop. I've been lusting over their sock yarns for some time now. Lime & Violet RAVE about them constantly and I JUST HAD TO HAVE SOME TOO!!! Now that I have a hank in my clutches... what to do with it?? Take lots of pictures of it and CAST ON a pair of socks... but what socks? This yarn is just too dang beautiful to just make any ol' sock so the search began to find a worthy pattern. Well I didn't have to go far because I've been wanting to make Monkey socks for a while and what better time than now???? So cast on I did! Turns out that for some reason when I start a ribbing pattern (in this case it was [K1 tbl, p1] ) I knit VERY VERY TIGHTLY and after getting through the ribbing and one repeat of the pattern I've decided that it's too tight and I'm going to frog it and do a different ribbing and continue on.
See what I mean??? So that's what I'm gonna go do! I'll be back later with more blogging cuz I've got LOTS more to blog about but I wanna go play with my yarn and pointy sticks!!!!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
New Shoes for ME!!
Happy Birthday to Me!
Happy Birthday to Me!
Happy Birthday to Meeee!
Happy Birthday to Me!
So I was actually in the mood to do some shopping for myself at Kohl's with the gift certificate that my Wonderful MIL gave to me for my birthday... back in April... It's so much easier to shop for Hubby and LJ but oh so hard to shop for myself. So many times in the past I've bought something (even after trying it on) only to take it home and washing it - to never wear it because it shrank! UGH!!! So anymore when I find things in stores that I even kinda like I just don't know if I should get it or not because I'm so afraid of it shrinking on me... even if I take charge of the situation and buy one bigger size thinking that it WILL shrink... AND IT DOESN'T!!!! So now I have something that is even baggier on me than I normally like to wear. UGH!!! So what is a girl to do???
Happy Birthday to Me!
Happy Birthday to Meeee!
Happy Birthday to Me!
So I was actually in the mood to do some shopping for myself at Kohl's with the gift certificate that my Wonderful MIL gave to me for my birthday... back in April... It's so much easier to shop for Hubby and LJ but oh so hard to shop for myself. So many times in the past I've bought something (even after trying it on) only to take it home and washing it - to never wear it because it shrank! UGH!!! So anymore when I find things in stores that I even kinda like I just don't know if I should get it or not because I'm so afraid of it shrinking on me... even if I take charge of the situation and buy one bigger size thinking that it WILL shrink... AND IT DOESN'T!!!! So now I have something that is even baggier on me than I normally like to wear. UGH!!! So what is a girl to do???
New Deck Furniture!
We've been living in this house now for 4 years. We have a really great deck out back that we never use except to walk across from the door to the driveway and a place to store our trash cans. Well this weekend we finally broke down and bought a table & 6 chairs for our deck! Woo Hoo!
We got them at Lowe's after looking at 4 other stores. The best part...
We've all ready broken them in. My Brian and Kayln came up on Saturday night to hang out... and that's what we did, on our deck, around our NEW table in our new comfy CHAIRS! That is until it got dark and the bugs came out - gotta get some citronella candles or something.
We've all ready broken them in. My Brian and Kayln came up on Saturday night to hang out... and that's what we did, on our deck, around our NEW table in our new comfy CHAIRS! That is until it got dark and the bugs came out - gotta get some citronella candles or something.
Onwards.. and Upwards...
So... I'm going to get on with my life... without my sock... my first knitted sock... EVER... and get back to updating you on all that is going on with me :) because most of it is happy happy!
On Thursday I got my Knit Picks order! Whee!!! Lots and Lots of stuff for MEEEEEEE!
I took advantage of the sale Knit Picks was having on books (until Aug. 8th in case anyone was interested) and got a few that I've had my eye on for quite some time. Just in case you can't tell what they are... The first one on the left is the "Knitting Workshop" by Elizabeth Zimmerman - what good knitter would be without one of these??? I had to wait for it to become available (which also held up my order with KP) but I just knew it's going to be WELL worth the wait. When ever I'm talking to Muggles (as I've heard someone call non-knitters) and I tell them about Elizabeth Zimmerman I call her "THE Grand Mum of Knitting". I think that she would be one of the 3 people I would want at my dinner table (dead or alive) if I ever got the chance. You know that hypothetical question that some people like to ponder. Although right now I don't feel worthy enough since I am such a beginner... but then again... who better to learn from right?
The next book is the "Sweater Workshop" by Jacqueline Fee. I've also heard lots and lots and lots of good things about this book as well. Kelley Petkun talks about it often in her podcast. At this point in time I'm a little intimidated about knitting a garment for myself or anyone else for that matter. When I first started thinking about knitting it was SOCKS that I wanted to knit the most. But from what I've heard about this book that this is THE book to learn how to knit a sweater from. If I follow it from beginning to end I'll be a pro and know all there is to know about knitting/designing/tailoring a sweater.
The next book is called "I Can't Believe I'm Knitting Socks" from Leisure Arts. I'm not sure where I heard about this book - it could have been Kelley Petkun or it could have been Lime & Violet or both... but it looks good to me. I think it was Lime & Violet that raved about the basic sock pattern in this book because the instructions have you make each part of the sock in a different color so that you'll really really be able to visualize the different parts that make up a knitted sock. Very cool!
The last book on the right is called "The Magic Loop" by Bev Galeskas and based on Sarah Hauschka's Magical Unvention. I'll admit it looks strange but anyone I've talked to about it LOVES knitting socks this way. I don't know if I'm quite ready for it but I got the book on sale for a really great price so even if it sits around for a while who cares right? It was on Sale!!!
Now for my goodies! Of course after getting "The Magic Loop" book I had to have some longer cable needles to do it with right??? So that's what you see on top of my books - All 3 are size 1 needles in 32" length, 40" length and 47 " length. Oh, and you can't tell in the picture but they are made out of Knit Pick's Harmony wood which is absolutely beautiful. They truly are pointy pieces of art!
Now what kind of knitter would I be if I didn't get YARN too???? Duh!!! I am trying to keep my stash down - as I can become quite a hoarder when it comes to a new craft. Let's just leave it at that shall we??? So I only bought what was on clearance because: A. IT WAS ON SALE!!! and B. it was most likely going to be discontinued right??? I got 2 skeins of Essential Sock Yarn in colorway Dune Twist - I thought this would make a nice pair of brown socks. I also got 2 skeins of Shine Sport in colorway Sky and 3 skeins of Shine Sport in colorway River. Now to be perfectly honest... I'm not sure why I ordered the Shine Sport yarns. I vaguely remember looking through the site and coming across a book with a pattern to make a knitted puppy... out of these two colors. But I didn't' buy the book that went with it... hmmmmm..... yup that's what it was... I meant to buy "Knitted Toys" and make the Floppy Dog pattern out of this yarn... maybe FAB all ready has this book... hmmmmm...
So that was ONE of my exciting moments on Thursday. When I take pictures of the other one I'll post it.
On Thursday I got my Knit Picks order! Whee!!! Lots and Lots of stuff for MEEEEEEE!
The next book is the "Sweater Workshop" by Jacqueline Fee. I've also heard lots and lots and lots of good things about this book as well. Kelley Petkun talks about it often in her podcast. At this point in time I'm a little intimidated about knitting a garment for myself or anyone else for that matter. When I first started thinking about knitting it was SOCKS that I wanted to knit the most. But from what I've heard about this book that this is THE book to learn how to knit a sweater from. If I follow it from beginning to end I'll be a pro and know all there is to know about knitting/designing/tailoring a sweater.
The next book is called "I Can't Believe I'm Knitting Socks" from Leisure Arts. I'm not sure where I heard about this book - it could have been Kelley Petkun or it could have been Lime & Violet or both... but it looks good to me. I think it was Lime & Violet that raved about the basic sock pattern in this book because the instructions have you make each part of the sock in a different color so that you'll really really be able to visualize the different parts that make up a knitted sock. Very cool!
The last book on the right is called "The Magic Loop" by Bev Galeskas and based on Sarah Hauschka's Magical Unvention. I'll admit it looks strange but anyone I've talked to about it LOVES knitting socks this way. I don't know if I'm quite ready for it but I got the book on sale for a really great price so even if it sits around for a while who cares right? It was on Sale!!!
Now for my goodies! Of course after getting "The Magic Loop" book I had to have some longer cable needles to do it with right??? So that's what you see on top of my books - All 3 are size 1 needles in 32" length, 40" length and 47 " length. Oh, and you can't tell in the picture but they are made out of Knit Pick's Harmony wood which is absolutely beautiful. They truly are pointy pieces of art!
Now what kind of knitter would I be if I didn't get YARN too???? Duh!!! I am trying to keep my stash down - as I can become quite a hoarder when it comes to a new craft. Let's just leave it at that shall we??? So I only bought what was on clearance because: A. IT WAS ON SALE!!! and B. it was most likely going to be discontinued right??? I got 2 skeins of Essential Sock Yarn in colorway Dune Twist - I thought this would make a nice pair of brown socks. I also got 2 skeins of Shine Sport in colorway Sky and 3 skeins of Shine Sport in colorway River. Now to be perfectly honest... I'm not sure why I ordered the Shine Sport yarns. I vaguely remember looking through the site and coming across a book with a pattern to make a knitted puppy... out of these two colors. But I didn't' buy the book that went with it... hmmmmm..... yup that's what it was... I meant to buy "Knitted Toys" and make the Floppy Dog pattern out of this yarn... maybe FAB all ready has this book... hmmmmm...
So that was ONE of my exciting moments on Thursday. When I take pictures of the other one I'll post it.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Before anyone feels the need to tell me how stupid I was and that I should have known better... I KNOW!!!! But it still doesn't make me feel any better.
I got out one of my old purses to put my knitting in. It was a knock-off " Kate Spade" silver case-like purse. I guess it would resemble a cross between a pilots case and a metal lunch box. It wasn't too big, actually it wasn't big enough for everything that I'd need to put in a purse but it was so darned cute I didn't dare get rid of it. I got it out because it would fit one skein of yarn and my double pointed needles (DPNs) which my first sock was being worked on and it all would be protected.
So tonight we went shopping with my MIL to look for patio furniture (her and us) and LJ wanted to carry something (DUH I know!) so I thought giving him my knitting case to carry around would be less damaging than if I had given him my purse (also small) with my digital camera, ipod and cell phone in case he dropped it. I was keeping a pretty good eye on him and actually piked it up a few times but when we got to dinner it hit me. WHERE WAS MY KNITTING CASE????? I got up and went back through the store (the pizzareia we were in is attached to the store we went to) - I looked everywhere - asked everyone I saw... no one had seen it... went back to the table... Hubby asked me if I checked one spot - I said no, I didn't - so he went to check for me and also did a sweep of the areas we were in - still didn't find it. After we ate my MIL, LJ and I all went back through a third time looking for it and checking with the staff and still no one had found it. I even went outside and looked around in all the shopping carts but still... no purse.
I figure that someone thought it might be a REAL Kate Spade and took it. We even looked around the parking lot thinking someone may have dumped the knitting (YIKES!!!) and just taken the purse but no... that didn't happen either. I did leave my name and number and description of the purse with the check out girl. Then as we were leaving after one more sweep I saw one of the ladies I was talking to about it and told her that it wasn't the purse that I cared about it was the knitting inside.
I'm not getting my hopes up - it's gone... it's my own fault.
On the brighter side I get to cast on a new sock! And I think I'll treat myself to a new skein of yarn to boot!
I got out one of my old purses to put my knitting in. It was a knock-off " Kate Spade" silver case-like purse. I guess it would resemble a cross between a pilots case and a metal lunch box. It wasn't too big, actually it wasn't big enough for everything that I'd need to put in a purse but it was so darned cute I didn't dare get rid of it. I got it out because it would fit one skein of yarn and my double pointed needles (DPNs) which my first sock was being worked on and it all would be protected.
So tonight we went shopping with my MIL to look for patio furniture (her and us) and LJ wanted to carry something (DUH I know!) so I thought giving him my knitting case to carry around would be less damaging than if I had given him my purse (also small) with my digital camera, ipod and cell phone in case he dropped it. I was keeping a pretty good eye on him and actually piked it up a few times but when we got to dinner it hit me. WHERE WAS MY KNITTING CASE????? I got up and went back through the store (the pizzareia we were in is attached to the store we went to) - I looked everywhere - asked everyone I saw... no one had seen it... went back to the table... Hubby asked me if I checked one spot - I said no, I didn't - so he went to check for me and also did a sweep of the areas we were in - still didn't find it. After we ate my MIL, LJ and I all went back through a third time looking for it and checking with the staff and still no one had found it. I even went outside and looked around in all the shopping carts but still... no purse.
I figure that someone thought it might be a REAL Kate Spade and took it. We even looked around the parking lot thinking someone may have dumped the knitting (YIKES!!!) and just taken the purse but no... that didn't happen either. I did leave my name and number and description of the purse with the check out girl. Then as we were leaving after one more sweep I saw one of the ladies I was talking to about it and told her that it wasn't the purse that I cared about it was the knitting inside.
I'm not getting my hopes up - it's gone... it's my own fault.
On the brighter side I get to cast on a new sock! And I think I'll treat myself to a new skein of yarn to boot!
Update Info July 2008 - in no particular order
OMG I have so much to update this blog on... so I just made the decision to blog about one thing at a time... so it may take me a couple of posts to get it all out but that's just going to have to do. And this will be my first!
This is only one of the things I am so excited about...
First some backstory...
When my FAB was here visiting last month she told me about podcasts. I had heard about them before but honestly I don't think I really "got it" as to what they are all about and how FANTASTIC they can be. Of course the one's that she told me about were knitting ones and they are so much fun to listen to. Thing is a lot of them have been podcasting for at least 2 years (or more!) and that is a lot to catch up on... but I'm trying! So basically I download the podcasts from itunes into my ipod and listen away. Every spare chance I get I'm listening to one... well except for in the morning while I'm in the shower because my brain is just not awake enough to comprehend what is being said... but any other time I'm listening away... even at work! I do a lot of typing and can listen and type at the same time - that being said I'm almost caught up on one podcast.
I've been wanting an additional ipod just for my podcasts so that I don't have to keep taking the one that I have with everywhere. I have a docking station for it in my bathroom so that I can listen to MY music while I'm in the shower and getting ready in the morning instead of listening to the same old same old on the radio. Since I've been listening to my podcasts wherever I go I usually leave my ipod somewhere where it isn't where I need it to be when I want to listen to it. ie: it's upstairs next to my bed and I'm downstairs ready (I'll leave it at that) to get in the shower - UGH! I've been watching woot! (if you don't know who or what that is check it out at WOOT! - it is awesome) for a refurbished ipod/mp3 player for a relatively low price. A few weeks ago there was a woot-off! and I had thought that I had gotten an 8G ipod shuffle... still dunno what happened but I didn't get it. Bummer! But YESTERDAY they had a 30G ipod 5th Generation and I wooted it and this time I'm sure that I got it!!! So sometime next week I'll get my new ipod and I can't wait!!!!
This way I can leave my regular ipod at home in the bathroom with ALL of my music on it to listen to while I'm in there and load just about everything else I own onto my new ipod that I'll take WITH me where ever I go.
This is only one of the things I am so excited about...
First some backstory...
When my FAB was here visiting last month she told me about podcasts. I had heard about them before but honestly I don't think I really "got it" as to what they are all about and how FANTASTIC they can be. Of course the one's that she told me about were knitting ones and they are so much fun to listen to. Thing is a lot of them have been podcasting for at least 2 years (or more!) and that is a lot to catch up on... but I'm trying! So basically I download the podcasts from itunes into my ipod and listen away. Every spare chance I get I'm listening to one... well except for in the morning while I'm in the shower because my brain is just not awake enough to comprehend what is being said... but any other time I'm listening away... even at work! I do a lot of typing and can listen and type at the same time - that being said I'm almost caught up on one podcast.
I've been wanting an additional ipod just for my podcasts so that I don't have to keep taking the one that I have with everywhere. I have a docking station for it in my bathroom so that I can listen to MY music while I'm in the shower and getting ready in the morning instead of listening to the same old same old on the radio. Since I've been listening to my podcasts wherever I go I usually leave my ipod somewhere where it isn't where I need it to be when I want to listen to it. ie: it's upstairs next to my bed and I'm downstairs ready (I'll leave it at that) to get in the shower - UGH! I've been watching woot! (if you don't know who or what that is check it out at WOOT! - it is awesome) for a refurbished ipod/mp3 player for a relatively low price. A few weeks ago there was a woot-off! and I had thought that I had gotten an 8G ipod shuffle... still dunno what happened but I didn't get it. Bummer! But YESTERDAY they had a 30G ipod 5th Generation and I wooted it and this time I'm sure that I got it!!! So sometime next week I'll get my new ipod and I can't wait!!!!
This way I can leave my regular ipod at home in the bathroom with ALL of my music on it to listen to while I'm in there and load just about everything else I own onto my new ipod that I'll take WITH me where ever I go.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
I am very sad today...
I am very sad today because I have just received some very very very sad news. But first... a bit of background information...
When I was pregnant with LJ I had joined two yahoo groups - one for babies that were going to be born in the month of March and one for babies that were going to be born in April because my due date was April 1st. Through our pregnancy we all got to know one another. We would all post stories, worries, concerns, questions and of course pictures. One by one as we each had our babies we would post our birth stories - the good, the bad, and of course the beautiful.
Then after our babies were born our relationships stayed strong as some struggled with breastfeeding... others struggled with lactose intolerance... then teething issues... and of course diaper rash... you know, regular baby stuff. Each member was ready to lend a remedy or story with "what I did when my baby did that was ____". And did I mention the pictures?
As our babies got older and older the posts to our group got smaller and smaller but it was still alive. I would say there were 3 main Mommies that kept our group strong while the rest of us would lurk.
One of those Mommies was Niki. After 5 years of "trying" she was blessed with Cate. After Cate turned about 1ish she and her husband decided that if it was going to take another 5 years to get pregnant again that they better start trying... well their prayers were answered and they became pregnant within 6 months and baby Maxx was born this past February. I hung on to getting the daily posts from this group to find out about Niki and her new baby and then I turned off the daily posts and would just check in here and there on the internet.
This morning when I logged in to Yahoo I saw that I had a lot of messages in my inbox. Funny... I don't use that email address for anything... so curiously I clicked on it and there were about 7 messages from my Mommies group... so I figured that yahoo had done some messing around and I'd have go go back into my membership and re-check that I didn't want to receive individual messages when I happened to see Maxx's name... Baby Maxx had passed away on Saturday. SIDS.
I can't even begin to imagine Niki's pain or what she and her family is going through right now. So, please... if you are reading this say a little prayer for Maxx, Niki and her family.
When I was pregnant with LJ I had joined two yahoo groups - one for babies that were going to be born in the month of March and one for babies that were going to be born in April because my due date was April 1st. Through our pregnancy we all got to know one another. We would all post stories, worries, concerns, questions and of course pictures. One by one as we each had our babies we would post our birth stories - the good, the bad, and of course the beautiful.
Then after our babies were born our relationships stayed strong as some struggled with breastfeeding... others struggled with lactose intolerance... then teething issues... and of course diaper rash... you know, regular baby stuff. Each member was ready to lend a remedy or story with "what I did when my baby did that was ____". And did I mention the pictures?
As our babies got older and older the posts to our group got smaller and smaller but it was still alive. I would say there were 3 main Mommies that kept our group strong while the rest of us would lurk.
One of those Mommies was Niki. After 5 years of "trying" she was blessed with Cate. After Cate turned about 1ish she and her husband decided that if it was going to take another 5 years to get pregnant again that they better start trying... well their prayers were answered and they became pregnant within 6 months and baby Maxx was born this past February. I hung on to getting the daily posts from this group to find out about Niki and her new baby and then I turned off the daily posts and would just check in here and there on the internet.
This morning when I logged in to Yahoo I saw that I had a lot of messages in my inbox. Funny... I don't use that email address for anything... so curiously I clicked on it and there were about 7 messages from my Mommies group... so I figured that yahoo had done some messing around and I'd have go go back into my membership and re-check that I didn't want to receive individual messages when I happened to see Maxx's name... Baby Maxx had passed away on Saturday. SIDS.
I can't even begin to imagine Niki's pain or what she and her family is going through right now. So, please... if you are reading this say a little prayer for Maxx, Niki and her family.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I finished my first hat!
So I went to my LYS on Tuesday night for the weekly Sit N' Knit hoping that I'd be able to jump right into making socks - because honestly that's why I really wanted to learn to knit. After talking with Joanne (she's awesome BTW) she suggested that I start on a baby hat first. It's kinda small but not as small as socks will be and I can try double pointed needles (I'm guessing the shorter name would be DPN's) - so I got to pick out a really cool yarn and away I went. It was basic knitting in the round for 4 inches before I'd need to decrease (didn't know how to do that just yet) so I left with "homework" to do. There is also a second SNK on Thursdays but it's in the morning... well this week I decided to tell my Boss (DAD) that I was going to take some personal time that morning and go. Afterall - he really couldn't say much - all the work I NEEDED to get done was done and all the afternoons that he takes my husband and goes golfing... I could have 2 hours! So I got to go - I learned to decrease (it was what I thought it was going to be and very easy). I finished the little hat last night and it is oh too cute! I don't really have anyone to give it to just yet - then again I may just hang on to it - after all it's my FIRST hat! I'll post pictures later. My camera's battery is dead and my charger is at the office.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
FAB was here!
So it's been a few days since I've been here... I've been busy... KNITTING!!! FAB was here over the weekend and just as we planned she taught me to knit - now I just have to practice... practice... practice! And that's what I've been busy doing.
She also told me about Podcats. Now I've heard of these before but didn't really know too much about them or how much I would LOVE them! Of course the one's that I am listening to are all about knitting and crocheting - DUH! There were a few that she told me I just HAD to listen to and that's what I am doing... downloading them... putting them on my ipod and any chance I get I'm listening to one. And last night for the very first time I turned off the TV and just sat and knitted while listened to one. OMG I turned off the TV!!!! I equate it to back in the ol' days where people would listen to radio shows and the like... you know... BEFORE TV. I have already discovered "books on tape" but I rarely have an occasion to listen any of them. So I've been tinkering around with itunes and my ipod - taking music off that I really don't listen to - to make room for some podcasts... boy to I have a lot to catch up on!
My first thing to do is practice... so I cast on 25 stitches (actually FAB did it cuz I just wasn't getting it) - showed me how to do a few then she handed me over the needles and I was off... a few times I had to give it back to her and say "here - this doesn't look right... what did I do?" and she'd fix it and give it back. Apparently in the beginning I was adding on stitches - how exactly I have no idea - but I did - when I finally leveled off enough to know what it was I was to do I was up to 38 stitches (from 25) - but from there on I pretty much know what to do and a little bit of how to fix something if I didn't do it right the first time. FAB calls this tink-ing (you know... knit spelled backwards... tink". I am also trying to learn the anatomy of a stitch - where the yarn comes from - how it makes the stitch - and what it looks like after the stitch has been completed. With crocheting it's a little bit easier to tell - then again you are only using one needle when you crochet.
While FAB was here we visited my local yarn shop - which I am sure is going to become my 2nd home. While we were there I was talking with the owner and showing my excitement of learning to knit and she suggested that I come to the Sit n' Knit class she has every Tuesday - oh what fun that sounded like! But when Tuesday came I really didn't think that I was going to go. We had LJ with us all day at work and that is trying - so really all I wanted to do was go home and go into my craft room and not come out... but then I got to thinking that there wasn't going to be another opportunity to surround myself with other knitters for a whole week! So I went. I packed up my little practice piece and all my equipment and off I went. It's about a 20 minute ride from my house to the Yarn shop so I had plenty of time to listen to my newly downloaded podcasts. When I got there I really didn't know what to expect. But really there was a table with chairs around it and different people sitting there knitting & crocheting away. I was 5 min early but these ladies appeared to have been there for a while because they had all ready settled in and were knitting. So I walked in - looked around for a familiar face (didn't see any) but I did see lots of welcoming ones. I made myself to a seat and sat down and introduced myself. Right off the bat I had some questions and all the ladies around me were full of advise and expertise. Now, I knew that there were some out there but I honestly didn't think that a MAN would be there knitting away and lo and behold there was. And what a nice Man he is... funny too! I had a really good time - got some advice - and some help and I think next week I'll let them talk me into making more than a practice piece. I'm really hopeing to maybe making a sock but I just don't know if I'm there yet. Honestly I thought that I'd start out with a scarf. Which brings me to yesterday...
Mom and I went to ACMoore's and I bought some yarn to make myself a scarf. I may start it tonight even. I don't know much about yarn - YET! I have some podcasts on the subject to listen to. :)~ I always thought of wool as hot and scratchy - but even the little bit of knowledge about it I was WAY OFF!!!!
So there you have it... what I've been up to lately... I'll let you know how I make out on the scarf and maybe even post some pictures!
She also told me about Podcats. Now I've heard of these before but didn't really know too much about them or how much I would LOVE them! Of course the one's that I am listening to are all about knitting and crocheting - DUH! There were a few that she told me I just HAD to listen to and that's what I am doing... downloading them... putting them on my ipod and any chance I get I'm listening to one. And last night for the very first time I turned off the TV and just sat and knitted while listened to one. OMG I turned off the TV!!!! I equate it to back in the ol' days where people would listen to radio shows and the like... you know... BEFORE TV. I have already discovered "books on tape" but I rarely have an occasion to listen any of them. So I've been tinkering around with itunes and my ipod - taking music off that I really don't listen to - to make room for some podcasts... boy to I have a lot to catch up on!
My first thing to do is practice... so I cast on 25 stitches (actually FAB did it cuz I just wasn't getting it) - showed me how to do a few then she handed me over the needles and I was off... a few times I had to give it back to her and say "here - this doesn't look right... what did I do?" and she'd fix it and give it back. Apparently in the beginning I was adding on stitches - how exactly I have no idea - but I did - when I finally leveled off enough to know what it was I was to do I was up to 38 stitches (from 25) - but from there on I pretty much know what to do and a little bit of how to fix something if I didn't do it right the first time. FAB calls this tink-ing (you know... knit spelled backwards... tink". I am also trying to learn the anatomy of a stitch - where the yarn comes from - how it makes the stitch - and what it looks like after the stitch has been completed. With crocheting it's a little bit easier to tell - then again you are only using one needle when you crochet.
While FAB was here we visited my local yarn shop - which I am sure is going to become my 2nd home. While we were there I was talking with the owner and showing my excitement of learning to knit and she suggested that I come to the Sit n' Knit class she has every Tuesday - oh what fun that sounded like! But when Tuesday came I really didn't think that I was going to go. We had LJ with us all day at work and that is trying - so really all I wanted to do was go home and go into my craft room and not come out... but then I got to thinking that there wasn't going to be another opportunity to surround myself with other knitters for a whole week! So I went. I packed up my little practice piece and all my equipment and off I went. It's about a 20 minute ride from my house to the Yarn shop so I had plenty of time to listen to my newly downloaded podcasts. When I got there I really didn't know what to expect. But really there was a table with chairs around it and different people sitting there knitting & crocheting away. I was 5 min early but these ladies appeared to have been there for a while because they had all ready settled in and were knitting. So I walked in - looked around for a familiar face (didn't see any) but I did see lots of welcoming ones. I made myself to a seat and sat down and introduced myself. Right off the bat I had some questions and all the ladies around me were full of advise and expertise. Now, I knew that there were some out there but I honestly didn't think that a MAN would be there knitting away and lo and behold there was. And what a nice Man he is... funny too! I had a really good time - got some advice - and some help and I think next week I'll let them talk me into making more than a practice piece. I'm really hopeing to maybe making a sock but I just don't know if I'm there yet. Honestly I thought that I'd start out with a scarf. Which brings me to yesterday...
Mom and I went to ACMoore's and I bought some yarn to make myself a scarf. I may start it tonight even. I don't know much about yarn - YET! I have some podcasts on the subject to listen to. :)~ I always thought of wool as hot and scratchy - but even the little bit of knowledge about it I was WAY OFF!!!!
So there you have it... what I've been up to lately... I'll let you know how I make out on the scarf and maybe even post some pictures!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Crocheting/Knitting Survey
What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit/crochet with?
I just started crocheting and I really like plain ol’ worsted cotton - varigated or is it Ombre???
What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
I tried to use Red Heart's Baby Clouds yarn but it was just way too bulky and I just couldn't get the hang of it - I'm not sure if I was just too new at this or what but it was aggrivating to say the least
What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?
My FAB made me a "Knitters Emergency Kit" out of an eyeglass case and it fits all my hooks in it with all the other doo-dads she put in there and I only have one set of needles as I'm a very green beginner and I just keep them with my other stuff
How long have you been knitting & how did you learn?
I'm going to start this weekend when my FAB comes to town for the weekend... what better way to spend a very HOT - HUMID - HAZY weekend but inside in the AC with my FAB????
Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?
I'm a beginner
Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
Yes I do actually... but I dont' really remember what's on it... just some books I think
What's your favorite scent?
Vanilla & Lavender
Do you have a sweet tooth?
Favorite candy?
Depends on my mood... sometimes it's chocolate... sometimes its something chewy... sometimes it's something minty...
What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?
I crochet (learning that too) - learning to knit - Cross-Stitch - Rubber Stamping - Scrapbooking - Card making
Do you spin?
No, but if I ever wanted to learn my FAB would be right there to show me how!!!
What kind of music do you like?
My Favorite bands/groups are Aerosmith - Bon Jovi - The Dixie Chicks - Shaniah Twain - The New Kids on the Block
I guess my favorite type of music would be top 40's of the 80's - 90's - 00's
Can your computer/stereo play MP3s?
Computers - Yes
Stereo - Yes
Ipod - Yes
Jeep - Yes
Van - No to MP3's - yes to CD's
What's your favorite color(s)?
NY Yankee Blue
Coca~Cola Red
Any colors you just can't stand?
Not a big fan of Orange or Yellow or Brown
What is your family situation?
Happily Married for 3.5 years with 1 - 2 year old Son
Do you have any pets?
1 Dog - Alley
1 Cat - Clara
Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
I just started wearing a scarf last winter that was made by my FAB
I don't do hats cuz they mess up my hair
Not so much into mittens either - Gloves yes
Not so sure about ponchos... maybe
What is/are your favorite item/s to knit/crochet?
I'm into crocheting dish rags, dish cloths & bags at the moment... we'll see about the knitting part after this weekend...
What are you knitting right now?
Nothing until the weekend then... maybe a scarf... or a baby blanket... or a sock...
What are you crocheting right now?
A baby blanket for my 2 year old
Dish Cloths & Dish Rags for Christmas gifts
A blanket for ME!
Do you like to receive handmade gifts?
Those are the best kind! Every birthday... Christmas... gift giving occasion I can't WAIT to receive something from my FAB - looking back on all my years of receiving I really remember her gifts the most!
Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
I don't know yet for knitting but for crocheting I'm prefuring aluminum hooks
Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
How old is your oldest UFO?
Only about 2 weeks since I just started crocheting (I am assuming that UFO is Un-Finished Object)
What is your favorite holiday?
Thanksgiving because the family gets together and besides "brining something" there isn't much pressure and it usually lasts at least two days and sometimes longer to fit all the family in :)
Is there anything that you collect?
Coca~Cola stuff - NY Yankee Stuff - Crocheting & Knitting books... Books in general... and of course YARN!!!!! I may have only just started into the vast world of crocheting & knitting but I all ready have a pretty good stash of YARN!!!!
Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
I LOVE BOOKS!!! Whenever I get into something I HAVE TO HAVE BOOKS on the subject
Yarns... I just like to feel them and see all the pretty colors
I love patterns.. I'm always surfing the net for different one's for different projects
I don't have any subscriptions at this point in time but it's really only a matter of time...
Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?
All of them... I'm such a beginner I'm not even sure where to begin my list of things I want to learn...
Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
I want to be a sock knitter.
I've started to crochet one... but got stuck on the pattern...
I wear a size 6 shoe so I believe I'm a small sock person
When is your birthday?
April 20th
Are you on Ravelry? If so, what's your ID?
What's Ravelry? I'll be checking that out as soon as I post this!
My ID will probably be something along the lines of ReesieAnn
I just started crocheting and I really like plain ol’ worsted cotton - varigated or is it Ombre???
What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
I tried to use Red Heart's Baby Clouds yarn but it was just way too bulky and I just couldn't get the hang of it - I'm not sure if I was just too new at this or what but it was aggrivating to say the least
What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?
My FAB made me a "Knitters Emergency Kit" out of an eyeglass case and it fits all my hooks in it with all the other doo-dads she put in there and I only have one set of needles as I'm a very green beginner and I just keep them with my other stuff
How long have you been knitting & how did you learn?
I'm going to start this weekend when my FAB comes to town for the weekend... what better way to spend a very HOT - HUMID - HAZY weekend but inside in the AC with my FAB????
Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?
I'm a beginner
Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
Yes I do actually... but I dont' really remember what's on it... just some books I think
What's your favorite scent?
Vanilla & Lavender
Do you have a sweet tooth?
Favorite candy?
Depends on my mood... sometimes it's chocolate... sometimes its something chewy... sometimes it's something minty...
What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?
I crochet (learning that too) - learning to knit - Cross-Stitch - Rubber Stamping - Scrapbooking - Card making
Do you spin?
No, but if I ever wanted to learn my FAB would be right there to show me how!!!
What kind of music do you like?
My Favorite bands/groups are Aerosmith - Bon Jovi - The Dixie Chicks - Shaniah Twain - The New Kids on the Block
I guess my favorite type of music would be top 40's of the 80's - 90's - 00's
Can your computer/stereo play MP3s?
Computers - Yes
Stereo - Yes
Ipod - Yes
Jeep - Yes
Van - No to MP3's - yes to CD's
What's your favorite color(s)?
NY Yankee Blue
Coca~Cola Red
Any colors you just can't stand?
Not a big fan of Orange or Yellow or Brown
What is your family situation?
Happily Married for 3.5 years with 1 - 2 year old Son
Do you have any pets?
1 Dog - Alley
1 Cat - Clara
Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
I just started wearing a scarf last winter that was made by my FAB
I don't do hats cuz they mess up my hair
Not so much into mittens either - Gloves yes
Not so sure about ponchos... maybe
What is/are your favorite item/s to knit/crochet?
I'm into crocheting dish rags, dish cloths & bags at the moment... we'll see about the knitting part after this weekend...
What are you knitting right now?
Nothing until the weekend then... maybe a scarf... or a baby blanket... or a sock...
What are you crocheting right now?
A baby blanket for my 2 year old
Dish Cloths & Dish Rags for Christmas gifts
A blanket for ME!
Do you like to receive handmade gifts?
Those are the best kind! Every birthday... Christmas... gift giving occasion I can't WAIT to receive something from my FAB - looking back on all my years of receiving I really remember her gifts the most!
Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
I don't know yet for knitting but for crocheting I'm prefuring aluminum hooks
Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
How old is your oldest UFO?
Only about 2 weeks since I just started crocheting (I am assuming that UFO is Un-Finished Object)
What is your favorite holiday?
Thanksgiving because the family gets together and besides "brining something" there isn't much pressure and it usually lasts at least two days and sometimes longer to fit all the family in :)
Is there anything that you collect?
Coca~Cola stuff - NY Yankee Stuff - Crocheting & Knitting books... Books in general... and of course YARN!!!!! I may have only just started into the vast world of crocheting & knitting but I all ready have a pretty good stash of YARN!!!!
Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
I LOVE BOOKS!!! Whenever I get into something I HAVE TO HAVE BOOKS on the subject
Yarns... I just like to feel them and see all the pretty colors
I love patterns.. I'm always surfing the net for different one's for different projects
I don't have any subscriptions at this point in time but it's really only a matter of time...
Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?
All of them... I'm such a beginner I'm not even sure where to begin my list of things I want to learn...
Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
I want to be a sock knitter.
I've started to crochet one... but got stuck on the pattern...
I wear a size 6 shoe so I believe I'm a small sock person
When is your birthday?
April 20th
Are you on Ravelry? If so, what's your ID?
What's Ravelry? I'll be checking that out as soon as I post this!
My ID will probably be something along the lines of ReesieAnn
Sunday, June 8, 2008
She's coming! She's coming! She's really really coming!!!!
I am so excited!!! My FAB is coming to visit next weekend! Just her... no family (although I will miss my cousins) I am just too excited!!!! Not only will she be able to spend the weekend she'll be staying at MY house! So that's even more time that we'll be able to spend together. I was just telling my Hubby yesterday that about 6-7 years ago (WOW how time flies!!!) I would go down to my Aunt's house at least once a month to spend the weekend. Since then, well... my life has just taken a turn and I haven't had the time. So we'd try to cram in as much quality in the small quantity of time that we would have together in the brief moments we did have.
Friday, June 6, 2008
When it washes... it floods...
So last night I was in my craft room crocheting away when I heard my cell phone go off in the other room... so I spring up to go answer it and as I walk out of my craft room and head toward my kitchen (where the cell phone was last seen) I glance into the bathroom and at first glance I notice that the floor is "shinier" than usual... but before I put two and two together I grab my phone to answer it and head back to the bathroom - on the phone was my Dad - he wanted some info on selling his Austin Healey 3000 on eBay - and as he's rattling off what it is that he wants I realize that the bathroom has flooded - so I yell for my hubby and try to talk to both at the same time. Why I even answered the phone in the first place is beyond me - so I'm trying to talk to Dad and troubleshoot the problem - turns out I told Dad I had to call him back and hung up the phone. Apparently something with the water shutoff with my washer broke and the water just never turned off - so it had been running for about an hour by this time. Hubby turned off the water and we proceeded to clean up the mess. The rugs were soaked and we sopped up water with another 3 towels. Hubby got the shop vac and I found a sponge mop. He took out about a quarter of the water in the tub as I took the wet clothes out and rung them as best I could. Then when the water level was down I tried to turn the washer on again to see if it would at least drain - not realizing that I had to push down the little button that the lid does to make it spin... after I realized that we found that it did empty itself it just won't turn the water off. Even if the turner thingy was in the off position and the water was on water would come into the washer tub.
So... this morning I called our favorite appliance fix-it guru Michelle (he's French) and as I type this I'm waiting for him to show up. Hopefully it won't be too expensive otherwise I guess we'll be shopping for a new washer & dryer this weekend. I kept hoping in the back of my mind that the dryer would go first because I really dislike my dryer. It's heated with propane and it's very HOT - I have no temperature settings on it. I'd love to get a set of those really pretty red Whirlpools but that will be over $2,000!!!!! Yeah, not going to happen!
So... this morning I called our favorite appliance fix-it guru Michelle (he's French) and as I type this I'm waiting for him to show up. Hopefully it won't be too expensive otherwise I guess we'll be shopping for a new washer & dryer this weekend. I kept hoping in the back of my mind that the dryer would go first because I really dislike my dryer. It's heated with propane and it's very HOT - I have no temperature settings on it. I'd love to get a set of those really pretty red Whirlpools but that will be over $2,000!!!!! Yeah, not going to happen!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I've been tagged by my FAB!!!
I've been tagged by my FAB!!!
More about me (Me, Me! It's all about ME!)
What I was doing 10 years ago: WOW! 10 years ago was a looonnnggg time ago... I was living on Sarah Street in my first house - for about a year by then - with my then boyfriend who I was trying to get him see the big picture of life - especially with me in it - I had my first Cat, Flo - Alley was 4ish - I was working where I'm still working now - and had begun a major cross-stitch project for my Dad for Christmas.
Five things on my to do list that have nothing to do with work:
1. Learn to knit from my FAB
2. Make Christmas gifts for family & friends (I'm gonna do it this year!!!)
3. See Indiana Jones!!!!!!
4. Finally catch up on laundry
5. Clean up and move stuff around so that Hubby can put together my new shelving unit for my craft room we bought at Ikea over a week ago.
Three snacks I enjoy:
1. Cookies
2. Fruit Snacks
3. Apples - Pink Lady one's especially
Four things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Get out of debt!!!!!! For myself and my family
2. Build my dream house
3. Help the local SPCA stay open - fix or renovate the facility - hire more people - but all specifically for that facility
4. Whatever the heck I felt like!!!
Five places I have lived:
1. Saylorsburg, PA
2. Mazzetti Road in Stroudsburg, PA
3. Sarah Street in Stroudsburg, PA
4. Bryant Street in Stroudsburg, PA
5. Escondido, CA
More about me (Me, Me! It's all about ME!)
What I was doing 10 years ago: WOW! 10 years ago was a looonnnggg time ago... I was living on Sarah Street in my first house - for about a year by then - with my then boyfriend who I was trying to get him see the big picture of life - especially with me in it - I had my first Cat, Flo - Alley was 4ish - I was working where I'm still working now - and had begun a major cross-stitch project for my Dad for Christmas.
Five things on my to do list that have nothing to do with work:
1. Learn to knit from my FAB
2. Make Christmas gifts for family & friends (I'm gonna do it this year!!!)
3. See Indiana Jones!!!!!!
4. Finally catch up on laundry
5. Clean up and move stuff around so that Hubby can put together my new shelving unit for my craft room we bought at Ikea over a week ago.
Three snacks I enjoy:
1. Cookies
2. Fruit Snacks
3. Apples - Pink Lady one's especially
Four things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Get out of debt!!!!!! For myself and my family
2. Build my dream house
3. Help the local SPCA stay open - fix or renovate the facility - hire more people - but all specifically for that facility
4. Whatever the heck I felt like!!!
Five places I have lived:
1. Saylorsburg, PA
2. Mazzetti Road in Stroudsburg, PA
3. Sarah Street in Stroudsburg, PA
4. Bryant Street in Stroudsburg, PA
5. Escondido, CA
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
So instead of Knitting...
So my last post was about knitting... and attempting to start. Well I tried a few more times and while I can get the casting on part - it's the making of the stitches part that I'm just lost on. I've decided that I need my FAB to physically SHOW me how - to stand over my shoulder and WATCH me do it. I'm sure that I know of other people that knit but I want my FAB to teach ME HOW.
And I believe I'm going to get my wish!!! FAB is coming for a visit!!!! While she was going to try to come this month - it just wasn't possible with her schedule... but next month... that's a different story. And actually a better one because she'll be able to stay longer than she would have been able to had she been able to come in May!
To hold me over until FAB was coming and after I finished the Counted Cross Stitch I was working on for my friend (if I could get my camera to upload pictures I'd post one of it) I tried to do another much smaller cross stitch piece but I really just lost interest in it and wanted to play with yarn... so I dug out my crochet hooks instead.
When I was little - I'd say I was about 7 or 8 my Mom showed me how to crochet a chain. And chain I did... yards and yards of it. I vaguely remember her trying to show me what to do next but I just didn't get it or didn't want to. Then about 10 years ago I made a grocery bag (who knows where it is now) that was mostly made up of chains. But I guess just like everything else I either lost interest in it or found something else to do. Actually I think that was right around the time that I bought my first house so that may have been what took my mind in another direction. But anywhoo... back to crocheting...
Just like I do with just about everything else that starts to interest me I engross myself with it. I read about it on the web - I buy books about the subject - I make tons of trips to local craft stores - I join groups online... and this time was no different. Actually I tried to do this with knitting first but like I said before... I just don't get it - I need to be shown. I found my hooks and I found some yarn and I started to make one of those grocery bags like I made all those years ago. The fascinating thing about it is I pretty much remembered the pattern - Isn't that crazy? Oh what fun it was! Not only that but it was easy to work on while I was in the car! Woo Hoo!!! I tried to cross stitch in the car and while it was doable it wasn't easy - especially if it were a design that really required a lot of color changes.
So now I'm crocheting up a storm. I taught myself a few stitches from a book and I will recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn - it was "The Idiots Guide to Crocheting" - a lot like the "Dummies" books (I have that one too for Crocheting) it made sense to me and just clicked. I started a sample swatch to learn the basic stitches and it grew and grew and is now my first scarf. I don't really have anything to match it too but that won't stop me from wearing it!
So far I've made 3 different shopping bags - a blanket for my son - I learned how to make Granny Squares - and am currently on a dish cloth kick. I bought a book at AC Moore and it has 14 different one's in it so I'm just going from one to the next. I found some really really pretty yarn that I want to make into an afghan but I haven't found a patter just yet that I want to use. I want one that is interesting enough to keep me going for the\ whole afghan but not too difficult that it requires a line by line pattern.
I've also joined a few Yahoo! groups. The main one is called Happy Hookers! What a great name! I hadn't mentioned to my Hubby that I had joined this group and when he went to use the home computer over the weekend and my email account was open - he saw the Happy Hookers and had to do a triple take! I'm sure he was muttering to himself... "what has she gotten into now???". It's a great bunch of people, and I say people because there are men members as well, there are all ranges of crocheters - beginners like myself and very advanced crocheters. They have warmly welcomed me and have all ready answered a couple of my questions. The other group I joined is just for free patterns. If I like them I can download them and if I don't then I don't. I'm a big fan of Yahoo! groups - they are a great way to get to know people that like the things that you do - that have similar life instances as you do - or family situations. I can't even remember how many yahoo! groups I've been a part of over the years.
Ahhh... anyways... that's my update for now. I think I'll upload some pictures next so you can SEE what I'm doing.
And I believe I'm going to get my wish!!! FAB is coming for a visit!!!! While she was going to try to come this month - it just wasn't possible with her schedule... but next month... that's a different story. And actually a better one because she'll be able to stay longer than she would have been able to had she been able to come in May!
To hold me over until FAB was coming and after I finished the Counted Cross Stitch I was working on for my friend (if I could get my camera to upload pictures I'd post one of it) I tried to do another much smaller cross stitch piece but I really just lost interest in it and wanted to play with yarn... so I dug out my crochet hooks instead.
When I was little - I'd say I was about 7 or 8 my Mom showed me how to crochet a chain. And chain I did... yards and yards of it. I vaguely remember her trying to show me what to do next but I just didn't get it or didn't want to. Then about 10 years ago I made a grocery bag (who knows where it is now) that was mostly made up of chains. But I guess just like everything else I either lost interest in it or found something else to do. Actually I think that was right around the time that I bought my first house so that may have been what took my mind in another direction. But anywhoo... back to crocheting...
Just like I do with just about everything else that starts to interest me I engross myself with it. I read about it on the web - I buy books about the subject - I make tons of trips to local craft stores - I join groups online... and this time was no different. Actually I tried to do this with knitting first but like I said before... I just don't get it - I need to be shown. I found my hooks and I found some yarn and I started to make one of those grocery bags like I made all those years ago. The fascinating thing about it is I pretty much remembered the pattern - Isn't that crazy? Oh what fun it was! Not only that but it was easy to work on while I was in the car! Woo Hoo!!! I tried to cross stitch in the car and while it was doable it wasn't easy - especially if it were a design that really required a lot of color changes.
So now I'm crocheting up a storm. I taught myself a few stitches from a book and I will recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn - it was "The Idiots Guide to Crocheting" - a lot like the "Dummies" books (I have that one too for Crocheting) it made sense to me and just clicked. I started a sample swatch to learn the basic stitches and it grew and grew and is now my first scarf. I don't really have anything to match it too but that won't stop me from wearing it!
So far I've made 3 different shopping bags - a blanket for my son - I learned how to make Granny Squares - and am currently on a dish cloth kick. I bought a book at AC Moore and it has 14 different one's in it so I'm just going from one to the next. I found some really really pretty yarn that I want to make into an afghan but I haven't found a patter just yet that I want to use. I want one that is interesting enough to keep me going for the\ whole afghan but not too difficult that it requires a line by line pattern.
I've also joined a few Yahoo! groups. The main one is called Happy Hookers! What a great name! I hadn't mentioned to my Hubby that I had joined this group and when he went to use the home computer over the weekend and my email account was open - he saw the Happy Hookers and had to do a triple take! I'm sure he was muttering to himself... "what has she gotten into now???". It's a great bunch of people, and I say people because there are men members as well, there are all ranges of crocheters - beginners like myself and very advanced crocheters. They have warmly welcomed me and have all ready answered a couple of my questions. The other group I joined is just for free patterns. If I like them I can download them and if I don't then I don't. I'm a big fan of Yahoo! groups - they are a great way to get to know people that like the things that you do - that have similar life instances as you do - or family situations. I can't even remember how many yahoo! groups I've been a part of over the years.
Ahhh... anyways... that's my update for now. I think I'll upload some pictures next so you can SEE what I'm doing.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I'm a little bummed... but STOKED all at the same time =)
My Aunt Bonnie called today and while it was great to talk to her for almost an hour we got our calendars together and it looks like she won't be coming to visit unitl the 2nd week in JUNE! But the good thing is is that she's coming for 4 days AND it will just be her. Not that I don't want to see my cousins... it'll just be nice to spend some quality time with her. The last few times we've gotten together have been WAAAAAYYYY too short and brief.
She's going to teach me how to knit over those 4 days and I'm really excited about that! She gave me everything I needed to get started - a book and all - but I just need someone to stand over my sholder and WATCH me do it and SHOW me what to do.
So while I'm a little bummed she won't be coming until June I'm STOKED that she'll be here for a few days!
She's going to teach me how to knit over those 4 days and I'm really excited about that! She gave me everything I needed to get started - a book and all - but I just need someone to stand over my sholder and WATCH me do it and SHOW me what to do.
So while I'm a little bummed she won't be coming until June I'm STOKED that she'll be here for a few days!
Friday, February 8, 2008
My first attempt at knitting...
I meant to post this a few months ago... oops! But thanks to good ol' Blogger they saved it for me so that I could post it when I was ready to. This should have been posted around February 9th as we met with my FAB (Favorite Aunt Bonnie) and her family on February 11th.
A week ago my Dad, Husband and I traveled to Bloomsburg to meet with my FAB and her family for our Christmas/Hanukkah gift exchange and to of course... EAT! It's always a lot of fun to see them and never for enough time!!! And this year was no exception. For my gift this year my FAB gave me everything I need to begin knitting. OMG!!!!!
So I had a little bit of time today during Lunch and decided to open my new knitting supplies and try it. I've been putting it off for the last week - not because I don't want to do it (honestly I can't wait to start) it's just that I know me - once I start something new I won't put it down! I have a baby shower for a friend to go to in 3 weeks and I'm making a counted cross stitch Baby Announcement for and I just know that if I had the knitting supplies at home that I'd be all over it and not working on my gift. So I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't bring my knitting home until the cross stitch was done and also not to make any other plans to make anything specific for anyone after this one because I WANT TO LEARN HOW TO KNIT.
A week ago my Dad, Husband and I traveled to Bloomsburg to meet with my FAB and her family for our Christmas/Hanukkah gift exchange and to of course... EAT! It's always a lot of fun to see them and never for enough time!!! And this year was no exception. For my gift this year my FAB gave me everything I need to begin knitting. OMG!!!!!
So I had a little bit of time today during Lunch and decided to open my new knitting supplies and try it. I've been putting it off for the last week - not because I don't want to do it (honestly I can't wait to start) it's just that I know me - once I start something new I won't put it down! I have a baby shower for a friend to go to in 3 weeks and I'm making a counted cross stitch Baby Announcement for and I just know that if I had the knitting supplies at home that I'd be all over it and not working on my gift. So I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't bring my knitting home until the cross stitch was done and also not to make any other plans to make anything specific for anyone after this one because I WANT TO LEARN HOW TO KNIT.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
It never ends does it?
It doesn't end does it? I was sick last week & weekend with a sore throat and ear ache... LJ's temperature kept spiking up to 103.7 but an hour after some Tylenol he was back down to the 99 degree range - but that went on for a few days so this past Monday we both had Dr. appointments. His Dr. just thought his body was trying to fight an infection somewhere and to basically keep giving him the Tylenol/Motrin. Me on the other hand has a throat infection (he didn't say anything about strep) and an ear infection so it was antibiotics for me. Monday night his temp rocketed up to 104.7 so we called the oncall doc - he said that as long as he was acting fine and not vomiting or having diarrhea or trouble breathing to continue with the Tylenol/Motrin. The next day his temp again went way up and I called the drs's office and was asking how high of a temp should I let him get before I take him to the ER - when the nurse asked how long this has been going on and I said about 5 days she told me to take him to the ER right away. So off to the ER for us... the ER was PACKED!!! There were about 40 people in the waiting room! We checked in but here's the nice thing about having my Pediatrician's office right next to the hospital... I called over there and told them how packed the ER was and they said to bring him right over that there was still a Dr. there to see him. YAY we didn't have to WAIT... so over there we went... took us right in... the Dr. (yet a different one this time - she was 3) was stumped and sent us back to the hospital to have bloodwork done and also prescribed an antibiotic for LJ. After getting his blood taken (he was a champ - he cried of course but it wasn't too bad) and going to CVS to get his meds and running through McD's for some diner we didn't get home till after 8! LJ didn't get to bed till after 9! Wednesday was pretty normal - we all went to work but left early so LJ could take a good nap at home. His temp finally stopped spiking and he seemed to be a bit more normal. Thursday he went to Daycare. They said he seemed a little off but otherwise ok. Friday was the big storm and Scott ended up staying home with LJ and I went into work for a few hours.
All in all it was a pretty busy week. I'm feeling marginally better, my throat and ear still hurt even after being on an antibiotic for 5 days now... and I've taken it religiously.
LJ is much better. He's still catching up on sleep though. I think that the antibiotic that he was prescribed has LOTS of sugar in it and because I have to give him his second dose so close to bed time I think it gives him a little sugar high so instead of falling right to sleep when we put him down we can hear him "talking" over the monitor for at least 45 min after we put him down. But he's content, he's not crying up there so we just leave him alone.
Well, there's a short update on what is going on... I have more to write about but a girls gotta eat!
All in all it was a pretty busy week. I'm feeling marginally better, my throat and ear still hurt even after being on an antibiotic for 5 days now... and I've taken it religiously.
LJ is much better. He's still catching up on sleep though. I think that the antibiotic that he was prescribed has LOTS of sugar in it and because I have to give him his second dose so close to bed time I think it gives him a little sugar high so instead of falling right to sleep when we put him down we can hear him "talking" over the monitor for at least 45 min after we put him down. But he's content, he's not crying up there so we just leave him alone.
Well, there's a short update on what is going on... I have more to write about but a girls gotta eat!
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