Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I've been tagged by my FAB!!!

I've been tagged by my FAB!!!

More about me (Me, Me! It's all about ME!)

What I was doing 10 years ago: WOW! 10 years ago was a looonnnggg time ago... I was living on Sarah Street in my first house - for about a year by then - with my then boyfriend who I was trying to get him see the big picture of life - especially with me in it - I had my first Cat, Flo - Alley was 4ish - I was working where I'm still working now - and had begun a major cross-stitch project for my Dad for Christmas.

Five things on my to do list that have nothing to do with work:
1. Learn to knit from my FAB
2. Make Christmas gifts for family & friends (I'm gonna do it this year!!!)
3. See Indiana Jones!!!!!!
4. Finally catch up on laundry
5. Clean up and move stuff around so that Hubby can put together my new shelving unit for my craft room we bought at Ikea over a week ago.

Three snacks I enjoy:
1. Cookies
2. Fruit Snacks
3. Apples - Pink Lady one's especially

Four things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Get out of debt!!!!!! For myself and my family
2. Build my dream house
3. Help the local SPCA stay open - fix or renovate the facility - hire more people - but all specifically for that facility
4. Whatever the heck I felt like!!!

Five places I have lived:
1. Saylorsburg, PA
2. Mazzetti Road in Stroudsburg, PA
3. Sarah Street in Stroudsburg, PA
4. Bryant Street in Stroudsburg, PA
5. Escondido, CA

1 comment:

  1. You forgot the summer you and you Mom lived with Gramma in Bradford. See you soon. (I've already picked up a few extra needles.......)
